Saturday, October 24, 2015

What is The Use of Cnc Machines

Computer Numerical Control 

CNC (computer Numerical control) is a Method for controlling machinery with a computer, it can allow precise and repeatable control of over a larger number of axes then a human could directly control.

CNC machines usually work in one of two ways:

1.Removing material from stock-mills and lathes
2.Precisely depositing material-3D printer such as the RepRap & Makerbot

What is the use of cnc machines

What Does It Stand For
Engineers Love initial-isms, Mostly because they make saying long or complex phrases more efficient. In this case engineers coined the term CNC didn't feel like repeating computer Numeric Control Over and Over again.

How Does It Work?
If you breakdown the phrase you can glean the function of this technology. At Its Most basic a CNC machine manipulates an end effector in an established coordinate system to perform a task set about by the operator who controls it using a computer. CNC machines are typically used in an  industrial setting; however, a printer is a good example of a nearly ubiquitous CNC machine.In order for a printer a deposit ink on a Piece of paper, it needs the instructions from an operator.The operator tells the computer what they want to print and the computer sends that information to the printer in a way the printer in a way the printer can understand. There is an unbroken thread from operator's thought to information on paper and this is the same as fabricating a part. The CNC machine allows the operator to talk through the computer to the mill, Lathe or printer to accomplish a task Quickly and with precision.

What Good Is It?
You can trace back a vast majority of the products you encounter to CNC machining. Whether they were made from CNC machines, prototypes on CNC machines, Or The tooling for making the product was made by a CNC machine, if It is a Physical product chances are very good CNC was involved.

It is an amazing technology. I got into a Little more detail here if you are interested.

Page Source:
Post By: Irfan Khan

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