Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Suba Tech Trading LLC

when architects at architecture incorporated next present a plan for campus development to a potential client, they will bring a model created by a 3-D printer.

For now, its sits on a conference table at the downtown sioux falls firm firm-a replica of a large piece of land with miniature three-dimensional buildings designed by the architects.

"instead of spending hours and having to build it by hand... those were done in about two days of throwing it on the printer, "architect catherine Dekkenga said.

nearby, another model is "more of a dream," she said. it shows the firm's own building at 415s. Main AVe.and how a nearby parking lot might be redeveloped.

The 3-D printed model allow a architects to pop up the parking lot's footprint and see how other buildings might look there.

"the idea is what can we put in between there instead of just a parking lots, " Dekkenga said. "what would a skyscraper look at them.

"It's hard because it is an expense, and sometimes smaller firm haven't invested yet but there are tools like this that definitely architects are starting to use a lot more," Dekkenga said.

Architects historically have embraced new technology as a method to help clients understand designs before anything is built, said Dave van Nieuwenhuyzen, director of architecture at fiegen construction Co. and president of the south Dakota chapter of the Americna institute Of Architechts.

"computer programs have come a long way as a tool in accurately producing renderings, images and animation.. and placing them into the context of the site or in the case of an addition or remodel into the existing conditions,"he said.

"Now, with the advent of 3-D printers and other virtual reality technology, architects are able to produce more and better with these new tools. talking 2-D prints into the 3-D environment helps the client see their project come to life."\

At Architecture Incorported,. "we've always had a commitment to try  to do the new stuff, at least try it out,"founder and president Dick Dempster said. "I love It. I'm of the era where we cut our fingers with X-Acto knife Blades... and now you create those shapes on the computer and just print them out. It,s Exciting."

The firm will get even techier soon when it starts using Oculus Rift, a virtual reality system that uses a headset to immerse someone in a scene.

"you put on the glasses, and you can hook up a joystick and walk through the space-upstairs, through doors, down a hallway and experience the whole model," Dekkenga said.

The architects tried it out following a trade show recently and were hooked.

"It was almost like a roller coaster," Dekkenga said, as she tried it out with design of a church i got to walk on the balcony, down some side stairs, through doors and into a hallway," she said. "It was neat. This is a whole new element of feeling the space and being surrounded by it."

The new technology will be a unique perspective for clients. Dempster said, but he's also excited about using it to better communication with engineers and for his staff to visualize project as they are working on them.

"I'm anxious to see how it works when we walk through a campus setting, an assembly of buildings or a downtown area," he said.

"it will be a great tool for integrated into higher education before they are introduced in professional offices, he added.

That's also the case at south Dakota state university, where architure student use multiple 3-D Printers in their designs as well as cnc router to cut models.

there's also a plasma cutter to cut steel and a 3-D laser scanner, which students can use instead of measuring and drawing spaces.

Department chairman Brian Rex Compares the technology to "like you see in CSI where you put it in a room aor space... and it sends out a pulse of laser, and when it bouncess back, it does all the point in space around it."

the school is trying to develop new architechts with knowledge of technology who can help firm move forward, he said.

"All these change that used to be kind of radical ideas are fairly standard when you have people who know how to use them,"Rex said. " they're no longer the extravagances they once were, and clients paid for it though the nose. Now, every client expects it."

Addining new technology also will help Sioux Falls compete with Firms From other markets that are eyeing the city for business, he said, while adding that firms in the whole area "are doing a really good job"

"There are no cities this size I Know of that have this many firms that are this good."

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Post by : Irfan khan

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