Saturday, August 15, 2015

Suba Tech Trading LLC

4 “Forgotten” CNC Machine Options

There are many different things to consider when purchasing a new CNC machine. Without a doubt, the parts to be machined will define and answer many of the questions that must be addressed. Do you need a grinder, mill, multi function or turning machine, is a sub spindle necessary, or do you need live tooling? These considerations will naturally be top-of-mind as you conduct your search.
CNC Router Machine

Popular options are typically considered ass well, such as tool touch setters for quick and accurate tool loading. ans spindle probes to aid in the setup of parts and on machine inspection for process control. But let's not forget some of the "forgotten" options that should be considered upfront, when your CNC machine is beging installed.

Consider These Options

Here are some of the items I often see people considering after their CNC machine is already installed – but perhaps they should be part of your initial order:

Chip Conveyer: The importance of chips being evacuated continuously allows many problems to be avoided. Chip buildup can be the culprit for accumulating heat in the machine. Sometimes dams will build up, and coolant not returned to the pumps, causing damage to tools and out-of-control processes. You might even experience overflow onto the floor, causing production to stop for inconvenient clean ups. A chip conveyor (such as those offered by LNS, a member of Partners in THINC) will prevent a multitude of problems.

Splash Gun: A splash gun is an often-overlooked option, because value is not immediately recognized. Certainly this does not directly contribute to manufacturing parts, but the indirect value is there. A splash gun allows the operator to quickly clean the machine. This helps extend the life of your CNC machine by eliminating the danger of removing chips with compressed air, which can lodge chips in places that are detrimental to the machine. The splash gun also addresses the safety issue of flying chips from uncontrolled air streams.

Mist Collector: Another option easily discounted is a mist collector. This helps keep the overall shop clean (we’ve all put our hand on a surface in shops that don’t use them and your hand sticks in place) also there is a great health benefit for your employees. Another benefit is keeping the mist inside the CNC machine reduced so a good visual monitoring of the process can be maintained.

Through-Spindle Coolant: Through-spindle coolant is commonly discussed but often discounted, because people believe there is only value when very deep holes are required. High pressure or even low pressure coolant directly on the tip of a drill or tap adds great improvements to its life and increases the speeds and feed rates that can be achieved. This also helps eliminate the need to use air to clean out blind holes.

These are a few things to consider, to make your employees healthier and more productive, and keep a cleaner environment. So opt in for the complete package and reap the benefits sooner rather than later.

Many of These options are available as a package solution from Suba Tech Trading LLC. Please contact us, or your local distributor, if you'd like help identifying the best options for your shop. 

Part For CNC Machine.

CNC Machine Spindle 
Servo Motor 

Page source :
Post By : Irfan Khan

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